Septima Ars

Septima Ars

Escuela de Cine y TV de Madrid

Learn Cinema in a Bilingual Career

Digital Cinema Degree in Spain

Study film in Spanish and English. Learn one year in Madrid and another in Bradford.

Long time thinking in this degree in Digial Cinema but finally you have it.

Thanks to this Collaboration among Escuela de Cine y Tv de Madrid Septima Ars and Bradford-WWI Film School when you finish the degree you will have improved your opportunities, to continue your studies to a higher level and gained the skills required to enter the professional Film industry. In addition you will learn to become fluent in Industry terminology in both Spanish and English, opening doors to a worldwide film community.

More information:
+34 914577973 – 914572311
Skype via the link on
Or visiting our facilities: c / Fuente del Saz, 5, 28016 Madrid‬

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