Qué se dice de «Tokarev» de Paco Cabezas.

Tokarev de Paco Cabezas

El próximo 27 de junio se estrena en España Tokarev la tercera película, primera en USA, del profesor de la escuela Paco Cabezas.

Hemos encontrado esta crítica sobre la película.

«Director: Paco Cabezas – Cast: Nicolas Cage, Rachel Nichols, Danny Glover, Max Ryan, Judd Lormand, Pasha D. Lychnikoff & Peter Stormare – Synopsis: Paul Maguire (Cage) is a reformed criminal running a legitimate business when his past of crime and the Russian Mob catches up with him – one night whilst attending a business meeting with his wife Maguire’s daughter is kidnapped and not one to rely on the local police for help he rounds up his old crew and seeks his own brand of justice – Verdict: If you’ve seen the trailer for Tokarev don’t be fooled into thinking that this move is some sort of low budget Taken clone – it’s not! – Paco Cabazas who brought us 2007′s horror The Appeared has essentially worked to the revenge formula…»

Leer artículo entero: www.absolutebadasses.com

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